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The light on the dark side of me..

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Lost In LA (Starting 1 Year Later)

I'm putting this thread up now just have it ready for when everyones back and ready to go. Figuring it would be best just to start a brand spanking new one. It'll be a year later and we can't wait to see the fallout now can we?

Roles are as always, with a few additions here and there. The listing is on the other thread. We all know who we're playin don't we?

See ya'll here soon ladies, start whenever your ready. biggrin


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

"I was here for a moment.. then I was gone.." Susie Salmon- The Lovely Bones

Dumbledore:"Lily? After all this time?" Snape: "Always.."  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

My Journal  My Youtube Channel

The light on the dark side of me..

Status: Offline
Posts: 3128

well here goes, and btw, welcome back ladies, we missed you biggrin


She got up, feeling that familar feeling again in her stomach. Not wantting to wake him Shannon slid out of bed quietly. It was early morning, a day or so before New Years and she was sick. And she knew why too, although she hadn't taken the test yet. She'd been off the birth control for a couple months now.

Rushing to the bathroom she thew the lid up and quickly threw up. Holding her stomach for a few minutes she got up and peaked out into the bedroom, and saw he wsa sleeping and smiled, he'd been sleeping alot better, as over the course of the year they started to really feel safe. Shannon sobered then and took out the test, holding it in her hands, hoping that this would be the moment she'd know for certain.

After taking it, she sat down in a chair, looking out the window at the snow, seeing the 2 labs run around that the servants had let out and was thinking about the past year. It had probably been the most peaceful year of her life to be honest. Sarah had grown from an infant into a toddler, walking, talking and wrecking havoc as children did. Was turning into quite the handful. But a beautiful child that her parents loved with their whole beings. And she and Lizzie were inseparable, one with bouncing brown curls and the other with dark ones, and both with brilliant blue eyes.

Shannon had occupied herself with helping Claire with her now 3 children and getting her studio set up in America while she stayed here, hiding out from all the hoopla surrounding the murder trial, and Dateline and all the interviews Sun and Alex had done.She'd watched some of them, and admired their courage from afar. She had talked to Alex on a regular basis, having seen her as well when she and Boone came to Europe for awhile, but hadn't really talked to Sun. Had never gotten an answer when she tried to call, and had taken the hint for now. But her other friends, including Kate, she'd talked to all the time on the phone, sharing kid strories and other things. It made her feel closer to them.

She thought about how long it taken Sayid's bullet wound a long time to heal, and how for some reason his father had left them alone after that. In fact, they and their friends had been left alone for the most part anyways. Causing Sayid to gradually relax. It unnerved them to be sure but as the months passed and nothing happened they'd kept it in the back of their minds and focused on other things. And now this.

She looked at the test when the required time was up, and smiled beautifully. Knowing their family would be complete now. Shannon scampered out into the bedroom and climbed on the bed, wearing nothing but one of his shirts and climbed onto his stomach, holiding the test in one hand as she shook his shoulder.

"Hey sleepyhead..." she said with mirth in her voice, straddling his stomach. " I know your absolutly exhausted from your performance last night and all but I figured you might want to wake up now.."

Shannon saw him open his eyes and smile at her, and she put the test in front of his face. Her smiled got wider.

"Just thought you might like to know that your mission was a complete success soldier.." She told him and put the test down on the beside table, and leaned down to kiss him. "I'm carrying your child again..."


occ: Jas i'll you start with Alex.. can't wait to see what she's up to biggrin


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

"I was here for a moment.. then I was gone.." Susie Salmon- The Lovely Bones

Dumbledore:"Lily? After all this time?" Snape: "Always.."  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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Hollaback girl

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ooc: Aw I wanted to be the first to post :p Thanks for starting the thread Patti :) Okay, well here goes nothin, lets see if I still got it, hehe.


"Son of a bitch!" Sawyer exclaimed feeling the white haze of exstasy course through his blood. It was moments like these when he appreciated being a free man as his dick cradled inbetween Kates thighs taking all the pleasure he could and giving everything he had back in return. They were on the swing bench outside their front porch. One of the extra comforts of their new home. And he groaned inhaling Kates lips in his as her hips straddled his strong powerful thighs.

It had been one year since the travesty that had taken place at Libbies house. One year since he left LA and didnt think twice about looking back. Sawyer felt that LA wasnt safe anymore for his family and he wasnt terribly fond of the city anyway, and as he and Kate discussed, they found a place in Colorado.

It was paradise. He always had that nagging fear in the back of his mind that theyd find them here sooner rather than later, but strangely, they hadnt seen any sign of Benny bug eyes or his goons, and lately he was too wrapped up in Kate to care.

This was his Shang ri la, his elysian fields, where he felt most free and true. 2 wild children running through the snow covered leaves of their quaint mountian home. It was stunningly picturesque house on the skirts of the Rockies with a beautiful creek running through their backyard. Enough room for Sam and Jamie to play, enough room for all of them to stretch their wings. Sawyer especially liked the no neighbors for 2 miles part, and he definately used that to his advantage. Especially lately.

About two months ago, he and Kate had decided to try for another kid. Reasoning that the monsters needed a kid brother or sister to pick on so he and Kate had more time to...Well it wasnt the only reason, but it was one...and they had all this space, not to mention Kate being pregnant was hot. The image alone in his mind kept him going for hours.

They had just gotten back from a family camping trip, slept in for the day and then shipped Sam and Jamie off to their neighbors house to play with their 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl. And Sawyer wanted to take advantage of the mid morning to 'try again.' As he so innocently put it.

Kissing her cheek and neck, he pushed his fingers in beside his dick into her wet sheath and began to rub her swollen clit skillfully. It became like a game to him. How many times he could bring her over the edge, before he hardened again or she begged him to stop.

Hearing her pants, feeling her breath quicken as his fingers twirled and tickeled her swollen nub, he kissed her chin wetly and then caught her mouth in his.

"Maybe theres a baby growin inside there now Freckles..." He smiled and kissed her jaw. She was his world. The only thing on his mind was how much he loved his wife, wishing he could marry her every day.

His fingers brought her over the edge one more time slow yet sensually, and then after handing there wrapped up in one another for a minute, he thought they could use a break, they hadnt let up all morning since the kids had been gone, and he pulled her back to rest on his chest as he pulled the blanket down over them. There was a slight chill in the air, that contrasted to the intense heat their bodies gave off. Colorado was nothing like LA. They had to work to keep warm. And Sawyer loved working. Infact he was a workaholic when it came to warming up.

He kissed the top of Kates forehead and smiled down at her as he looked out at the rocky landscape infront of them.

"Think we found it Freckles...finally..." He replied with a smile...."This is the good life....Got everything here Id ever want or need...Got you...(he met her gaze with a small blazing fire...adding as his look dawned love upon her..) and the monsters..."

His hand caressed her back softly loving to just hold her here. They were in the wild now, and he thrived here. He brought his hand up to caress the side of her jaw asking her as her pale green eyes met his deep blue...

"What about you Freckles? you happy bout spendin more time here?"

He couldnt resist one more soft kiss and drew his eyes up slowly once more meeting hers for her answer.



It had been one year since the tragedy at Libbies house. Sun felt that through it all, she had become a stronger person. Having no regrets about her actions since, it all added up to strengh and endurance.

The Dateline interview opened new avenues for her and for her friends. She and Alex had become especially close since their story hit the airwaves. Sun had joined Alex in a Goodmorning America Interview in addition to Entertainment Tonight, and other talk shows, she had just done Oprah last month to go over the new book she and Alex co-wrote together. It had opened many new doors for the two of them, acting offeres, even her own talk show. But Sun tried to remain modest, even though some of the press paid quite well for quality screen time. Sun understood well why so many tried to flock to this business.

She felt bad that didnt leave as much time for Jack. With his schedule at the hospital, they had spent weeks even months without making love. She had been stretched so thin, all her spare time was reserved for Tae. But Sun remained a pro throughout it all. Never complaining. She was a working mother, doing this to protect their friends, to keep Ben and his goons from every laying another hand on any of them again, the woman who could do it all, and save world peace.

Sun kissed Tae goodbye as she left him off with the wonderful teachers at La Petit Academy. It was a preschool for gifted children, that Tae attended for a few hours each day to excercise his mind. He was really quite bright and amazed all the teachers there. Already able to read and write at 2 1/2, he was really shaping out to be a little einstein.

Leaving she picked up her cell and dialed Alex's number...

"Hi Sweetie, so you still on for lunch at the Ivy with Victoria and Katie?"

Sun smiled as she turned onto Rodeo and pulled over to the valet stand 2nd in line she fixed her magenta lipstick in her rear view mirror, she replied...
"Great, cant wait to see you and tell you all about my run in with Hugh Jackman, he is so handsome in person!"
She gushed and then the valet came over to open the door for her...
"Okay Alex, I gotta go, but Ill see you soon!"
"Bye darling."
Sun smiled as she clicked off her phone and headed into the restaurant wearing a striking magenta colored valentino dress. She looked like she had just stepped off the cover of a magazine, ready to kill and Sun smiled when she saw her party sitting in the back out by the patio...
"Katie! Vicky!" Sun kissed both their cheeks in European fashion and then she set her purse down taking a seat as the waitor pulled out her chair...
"Alex will be here shortly...Its so good to see you two, so how are Suri, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz doing?"

-- Edited by sawyersmine at 02:21, 2008-09-10


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fricksgurl75 wrote:
Shannon scampered out into the bedroom and climbed on the bed, wearing nothing but one of his shirts and climbed onto his stomach, holiding the test in one hand as she shook his shoulder.

Sayid had been sleeping soundly, much more soundly than he'd slept in a long time.  The past year had been good for them.  They'd had John and Libby out twice more besides last Christmas and here it was coming up on New Years again. 

Sayid was just barely awake and felt her climb on top of him.  Yes, he'd been right.  She would eventually wear him out.

"Hey sleepyhead..." she said with mirth in her voice, straddling his stomach.

"Hmmm."  He groaned a little and swallowed to clear his throat.  "Good morning."

" I know your absolutly exhausted from your performance last night and all but I figured you might want to wake up now.." 

Sayid yawned and looked up at her and smiled.  "I would say we are both exhausted." 

Shannon saw him open his eyes and smile at her, and she put the test in front of his face. Her smiled got wider.

"Just thought you might like to know that your mission was a complete success soldier.."

Sayid's eyes popped open.  "Mission?  What mission?"  He asked.  When she used the word mission that brought him wide awake.

She told him and put the test down on the beside table, and leaned down to kiss him. "I'm carrying your child again..."

Sayid smiled wide.  "You are?  Are you certain of this?"  Sayid asked.  The look on her face told him everything he needed to know.  Sayid leaned up and pulled her toward him.  He kissed her softly.

"I am so happy."  He said.  Then a thought crossed his mind, and the smile left his face.  "Are you sure Shannon?  Has the doctor said we can have another child?"

"I'm a professional.  I used to lie for a livin'."  - Sawyer, Josh Holloway, LaFleur, LOST, Season 5

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sawyersmine wrote: Leaving she picked up her cell and dialed Alex's number...

"Hi Sweetie, so you still on for lunch at the Ivy with Victoria and Katie?"

Jack had tried to kiss Sun goodbye but she was on the phone as she usually was when he left.  He went into Tae's room before she took him to school and kissed him goodbye.

"See ya champ!"  Jack said kneeling down and high fiving his son.

"Bye Daddy."  Tae said as his little hand slapped against Jack's larger one.

"Be good."  Jack said. 

"Okay Daddy."  Tae said.  "Daddy?"  He asked as Jack started to leave.

"Yea, buddy?"  Jack answered.

"Are we goin' to Unca James and Aunt Kate's?"  Tae asked.

"Yessir, big man.  Soon as I get home."  Jack said.  Tae jumped on him and hugged him tight.  Jack hugged him back and put Tae down.  "You remind Mommy okay?  She's on the phone."

Tae giggled.  "Again!"

Jack smiled and turned to leave.  He walked out the front door and got in the car and drove to the hospital.  Jack absently drove.  Everything he and Sun had worked so hard to build seemed to be unravelling. 

He thought about whether it was his fault.  He was certain that it was.  It was his marriage to Sarah all over again.  He wasn't there.  He was working all the time and Sun was busy with her campaign to rid the world of anything and everything that had anything to do with Ben Linus.  So much so, that making love had become just about non-existent between the two of them, and to be quite honest, Jack wasn't sure exactly when the last time was.  Was it 3 months ago?  Was it 4?  No, 3, yes, that was right, it was 3.

Jack drove up to the hospital and parked in his designated spot.  He walked into his office and hung his suit jacket on the hat rack and put on his lab coat.

"Well you looke like somebody peed in your oatmeal this mornin'."  Maggie Allen said as she walked into his office. 

Jack smiled softly as he looked at her.  "Hey."

"Oooh, what's the matter with you today?"  She asked.

"Nothing."  He sighed.  She turned the lock on his office door, and walked over to the desk.  She pulled herself up on it and leaned over putting her hand on his cheek and running her fingers down his neck and chest.

She leaned over and kissed him softly.  Jack put his hand around her waist under her lab coat and held her.  She reached for a folder she carried in with her.

"Here's the histology report on Mr. Dobbs' tumor.  It's benign."  She said.

Jack pulled back from her kiss and read the report.  "That's good.  We should tell his wife."  He said.

"Jack, why don't we spend some time together tonight.  We can say we're workin' late.  I mean until I got here last month, we hadn't seen each other in 15 years.  We still have some catchin' up to do."  She said.

"I can't."  He said.  "I can't let this go any further, Maggie, really I can't.  Besides since I got tomorrow and Sunday off, Sun and I are going to Colorado to see some friends."

"Oh I'm sure you're gonna have a ball."  She said sarcastically. 

"Oh we will, it'll be nice to see them."  He said.  And of course there'll be too much goin' on to wonder why we don't make love anymore, and why she quit lovin' me, Jack thought.

"Alright, I'm goin' to do rounds.  Will you at least call me while you're gone?"  She asked.

"I can do that."  He reached for her again and kissed her harder this time.  "Well see what happens Maggie, maybe we can spend some time together soon."

"I'm a professional.  I used to lie for a livin'."  - Sawyer, Josh Holloway, LaFleur, LOST, Season 5

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The light on the dark side of me..

Status: Offline
Posts: 3128

occ: I take that back Jas I will do one for Boone too in this one :D


Sayid smiled wide.  "You are?  Are you certain of this?"  Sayid asked"I'm pretty damm sure of it yes.." 
The look on her face told him everything he needed to know.  Sayid leaned up and pulled her toward him.  He kissed her softly. She smiled into the kiss, exceptionally happy now. And knew Sarah would be too. The little girl was getting close to 2 and had been asking about a brother. Cause Lizzie had 2.

"I am so happy."  He said.  Then a thought crossed his mind, and the smile left his face.  "Are you sure Shannon?  Has the doctor said we can have another child?""Yes, my doctor in LA has been in contact with the doctor here and they both agreed it was alright over a month ago.." She reassured. "Everythings alright I swear.."

She laid down next to him on the bed, with her hand on her stomach. There was a dreamy look on her face. She was sure it would be a boy too, didn't know how she knew she just did. She looked over at him and smiled, putting her other hand on his face.

"I'm being monitored very well.. doctor says as long as I take care of myself and keep my stress low i'll be ok.."

Shannon picked his hand up and put it on her stomach. There wasn't much there right now, she wasn't that far along but something was growning in there. And even this early she could feel it.

"I can't believe i'm pregnant again.." she said with wonder, turning her head to look at him. "There was a time when I didn't think I could have one kid, never mind 2."



He heard the phone ring and turned back over in his sleep, trying to ignore it. It had been nothing but phone calls, about this interview and that one, he sometimes felt like a damn message machine. Not that he blamed Alex for this, this is what happened when you became a celebrity, and he was very supportive of her, but sometimes Boone wished it would all go away. He had alot on his mind as it was.

Like his mother, who'd become increasingly unstable and paranoid of late, calling his phone all the time. Sabrina was having a hard time and was laying it on her son. He hadn't told Alex much of this really, hadn't seen her alot and figured she'd be out the door pretty quickly anyways. Sounded like Sun, the media darling herself.

"You got somewhere to be?" he asked groggily, not bothering to get out of bed, wasn't exactly feeling well. "Who you guys meeting today anyways? Another starlet married to a superstar?"

He wondered if she sensed the sarcasm in his voice, and if she did he was sorry about it, his head was killing him. And he knew he had to meet his mother later today. Which didn't help any.

"Sorry I just got a little headache.. you guys have a good time ok? Get me an autograph or something."


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

"I was here for a moment.. then I was gone.." Susie Salmon- The Lovely Bones

Dumbledore:"Lily? After all this time?" Snape: "Always.."  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

My Journal  My Youtube Channel

Charlie's Angel

Status: Offline
Posts: 1992

ooc: Thanks Patti!  It's good to be back. :D


Nikki was sitting on the soft bed across from Charlie.  His hand was flat against her leg as she painted black fingernail polish on various fingers.  "Stop fidgiting Charlie," she added with a sigh.  "I'm going to get nail varnish all over you."  Nikki's eyes looked up and met his as she giggled.  "Look at me...a year of living in the UK and I'm talking like a Brit," she winked at him then leaned over to give him a soft kiss.  She made a frustrated face as she strained to reach him over her round tummy.  "Six months along and I already feel like a beached whale," Nikki said with a laugh as she planted a kiss on his lips then returned to painting his nails.

Nikki and Charlie had gone to the UK to visit his family shortly after Christmas at Libby and John's.  They decided to get away for a while from the pain and tragedy they had experienced in LA.  They bought a modest sized house not far from Liam and his family and decided to live there until things calmed back down in LA.

About 6 months into their stay in the UK, Nikki finally got pregnant.  They were both so excited.  They couldn't wait to be first time parents.  They found a great doctor there in the UK and when it came time for them to get to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time, they were surprised to hear not one but two heartbeats.  The doctor immediately ordered an ultrasound and sure enough Nikki was carrying twins.  They were both shocked, but quickly came to terms with the thought of twins and became very excited.  Now they couldn't wait to go back to the doctor tomorrow and find out the babies' sex.

Nikki had stayed in touch with Kate and they had developed a close, sisterly bond.  They talked, emailed, and texted regularly and even more once Nikki found out she was having twins.  She looked to Kate for advice and answers to questions along the way.  She and Charlie had even gone to Colorado a couple of times to visit with Kate, Sawyer, and the kids.  Nikki felt very lucky that they had been able to form a sisterly bond after the shocking way they found out they were sisters.

She glanced at the suit hanging on the door as she blew on his black nails, trying to dry them quickly.  "I'm so glad your friends asked you to sing tonight Charlie.  I can't wait to hear you up on stage.  It'll be a first for me."

His nails were finished and she moved to his eyes, carefully applying black eyeliner.  "You're going to look amazing," she said as the eyeliner pen ran along the edge of his left eye.  "I'm so glad that the Humes and Jarrahs are going to be able to join us at the Rainforest benefit tonight.  I know they're excited about seeing you on stage too."

Nikki leaned in again and kissed his lips.  "I love you Charlie Pace, but stop fidgiting or this eyeliner is going to be all over your face.  I know you're nervous hon, but you don't want me drawing all over your face," she said with a laugh.  "As soon as I finish the eyeliner then I'll gel your hair.  Then somehow I have to manage to pour myself into my dress," Nikki chuckled.

She leaned back and admired her work, biting her lip softly.  He had this way of being able to make her insides melt without really doing anything, just looking at her the right way.  Nikki had never been into guys with eyeliner, but there was just something about the way it looked on Charlie.  It made his beautiful blue eyes absolutely pop.  She smiled and enjoyed the view for a moment longer before slidding off the bed and heading for the gel on the dresser.

Nikki stood behind her husband and began gelling his hair into a faux hawk.  "So, any hint as to what you'll be singing tonight or does your lovely wife have to wait like everyone else?"  She leaned down and nibbled at his ear lightly before straightening back up to finish off his hair.



Claire and Desmond had remained in England at their home along with Sayid and Shannon.  It had been a quiet, peaceful year that had passed rather quickly.  Aaron was now two, Lizzie and Sarah had a huge joint 1st birthday party since they were born on the same day, and Desmond David Hume, Jr. had made his entry into the world.

Little Desi was born at home, delivered by Desmond's family doctor.  It was a wonderful experience and much less stressful than delivering both Aaron and Lizzie on a nearly deserted island.  And this time both her mother and father had been there, along with Sayid and Shannon, to share in the joy.

Claire and Desmond had decided to make Emilie and Henry Ian's hidden bedroom their own.  Des Jr. slept in the attached nursery until he was sleeping through the night and then he moved to the  main nursery with his siblings. 

Currently, Claire and Desmond were getting ready to go to the Rainforest benefit and to hear Charlie sing.  She stripped down to her bra and panties and was headed for the bathroom, where there was a hot bathtub full of water waiting for her.  But as she walked toward the bathroom, she caught a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror in the bedroom.  Claire grinned and turned sideways, her hands resting on her flat stomach.

"Hey Des, come here," she said turning to her husband who was on the other side of the room.  "Can you believe this is the longest I've been not pregnant since I became pregnant with Aaron?" she shook her head and laughed.  As he walked over, she wrapped his arms around her from behind and looked at their reflection in the mirror.  "Not a bad body for a mother of three if I do say so myself," she added with a wink.

Her nearly bare back was pressed against his bare chest.  Claire sighed happilly, enjoying the heat from his body.  They were so incredibly happy and more in love than ever before.  She turned her head to the side and kissed his neck.  "So how about you help me with that bath?"  She nuzzled against him, her body conforming to his.  She flattened his hands out against her flat stomach and met his gaze in the mirror as she nudged them higher until they cupped her breasts through her bra.  Her own hands moved around behind her to caress his tummy softly before following the trail of hair she found their downward, slipping inside his jeans and caressing his manhood through his boxers, her gaze never leaving his in the mirror.  A soft moan escaped her lips as she watched his reactions to her stroking and her nipples hardened against his palms.



Carole and Christian had left England a few days after New Year's and traveled to LA to spend some time with Jack, Sun, and Tae.  They moved back into Carole's house and stayed in LA for a while before returning back to England.  They were in England for the birth of their newest grandchild.  Carole was so happy for both Desmond and Claire.  They stayed and helped Claire and Desmond with Aaron and Lizzie while they got used to the new presence in their lives before deciding that they wanted to do some traveling.

Now they were in Australia.  They had only been in there for a few days and Carole had been putting off letting her sister Lindsay know they were there.

Carole crossed the room to join Christian on the couch in their room of the post hotel they were staying in.  "I guess I can't hold off much longer, huh?  I'm going to have to tell her eventually.  Maybe we should just show up and surprise her.  Maybe she'd take that easier than a phone call?"  She shrugged looking over to see what Christian thought.  The whole idea of telling her sister that she and Christian were back together made her extremely nervous and a sickening feeling spread throught her body.  Her sister despised Christian with every fiber of her being.  She sighed and rubbed her temples. 

-- Edited by Starlight at 05:01, 2008-09-10



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ooc:  Yea!!!  Here we are, all back together again!


fricksgurl75 wrote:
"Yes, my doctor in LA has been in contact with the doctor here and they both agreed it was alright over a month ago.." She reassured. "Everythings alright I swear.."

"Alright, as long as you are certain."  He said.

She laid down next to him on the bed, with her hand on her stomach. There was a dreamy look on her face. She was sure it would be a boy too, didn't know how she knew she just did. She looked over at him and smiled, putting her other hand on his face.

Sayid turned over on his side and laid there gazing at her.  "I know we had talked about having another child, but I did not think it would happen so soon.  I am very happy." 

Sayid picked up her hand and kissed it.  "I want you to be very careful my love.  Please?  I know you think you can handle anything but please do not take any chances."

"I'm being monitored very well.. doctor says as long as I take care of myself and keep my stress low i'll be ok.."

"Then I shall make sure you have no problems with stress."  He said.

Shannon picked his hand up and put it on her stomach. There wasn't much there right now, she wasn't that far along but something was growning in there. And even this early she could feel it.

He loved the feel of his hand on her stomach.  He couldn't wait for her to begin to show and he couldn't wait to see how this new baby would grow up.  Would it be a boy or a girl?  What would this child look like?  What would it grow up to be?  He was hoping it would be a boy, but he would be happy with whatever they had.

"I can't believe i'm pregnant again.." she said with wonder, turning her head to look at him. "There was a time when I didn't think I could have one kid, never mind 2."

"I always knew you could."  Sayid said.  He moved a little of her hair out of her face.  "I always knew we'd eventually have another child, and I knew it would be a healthy, happy baby.  Look at Sarah, she's perfect."

Sayid kissed her softly.  "Shannon, I never told you this before, but you are so beautiful when you are pregnant."  Sayid frowned.  "Wait, I mean, you are most beautiful when you're pregnant.  No, what I mean is that I love your being pregnant, no that I don't love you all the time."

Sayid sighed hard.  "I am not saying this correctly, am I?"

"I'm a professional.  I used to lie for a livin'."  - Sawyer, Josh Holloway, LaFleur, LOST, Season 5

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The light on the dark side of me..

Status: Offline
Posts: 3128


"I always knew you could."  Sayid said.  He moved a little of her hair out of her face.  "I always knew we'd eventually have another child, and I knew it would be a healthy, happy baby.  Look at Sarah, she's perfect.""Yes.. she is.." She said happily, thinking of their daughter."And she's growing like a weed, I gotta get some more clothes for her."

Sayid kissed her softly.  "Shannon, I never told you this before, but you are so beautiful when you are pregnant." "Thank you.." she said with a smile and then noticed the look on his face. 
Sayid frowned.  "Wait, I mean, you are most beautiful when you're pregnant.  No, what I mean is that I love your being pregnant, no that I don't love you all the time."Shannon giggled, he could be so cute sometimes. Especially when he was tongue tied like this.

Sayid sighed hard.  "I am not saying this correctly, am I?""It's ok baby I understood what you meant." She told him, turning to look at him. "Your saying i'm beautiful when I'm pregnant, but i'm beautiful all the time right?"

She leaned over and kissed his nose playffuly and then cuddled up next to him. Here she was, a year older, with a toddler and another child on the way. And she knew they'd be going back to America sooner or later. It felt safer now.

"Looks like we'll something else to celebrate at the Rainforest Benefit tonight too. Can't wait to tell Claire and Nikki about this. And i'm telling you if you've seen Nikki lately she looks like she's about to pop." She giggled a little."For once Claire will be the only one not pregnant.."

Shannon closed her eyes, feeling tired again and thought she might just get some more sleep. Had woken up far too early today. And knew that feeling tired was something she was gonna have to get used to again.She cuddled against him and smiled.

"I'm happy.." she said softly, wrapping her arm around him. "I'm having another baby... another one of your babies.."


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

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fricksgurl75 wrote:
"It's ok baby I understood what you meant." She told him, turning to look at him. "Your saying i'm beautiful when I'm pregnant, but i'm beautiful all the time right?"

Sayid smiled.  "Yes, of course."

She leaned over and kissed his nose playffuly and then cuddled up next to him. Here she was, a year older, with a toddler and another child on the way. And she knew they'd be going back to America sooner or later. It felt safer now.

He pulled her close to him and wrapped her in his arms.  Shannon's thin body melded so well against his larger shoulders and he ran his hands down her back as he held her.  Sayid kissed her shoulder as he held her.

"Looks like we'll something else to celebrate at the Rainforest Benefit tonight too.

"We certainly do."  Sayid said.

Can't wait to tell Claire and Nikki about this. And i'm telling you if you've seen Nikki lately she looks like she's about to pop." She giggled a little.  "For once Claire will be the only one not pregnant.."

"I know.  I hope Nikki will make it to the benefit tonight.  She looks like she'll deliver anytime now."  He said.  "We should be prepared in case she begins labor while we are gone tonight."

Shannon closed her eyes, feeling tired again and thought she might just get some more sleep. Had woken up far too early today. And knew that feeling tired was something she was gonna have to get used to again.She cuddled against him and smiled.

"I'm happy.." she said softly, wrapping her arm around him. "I'm having another baby... another one of your babies.."

"You have made me the happiest man in the world, Shannon."  He said.  "Do you think we should call Libby and John?  You know how happy they will be."

Sayid thought for a moment and then looked at her again.  "Perhaps after we let Claire and Desmond know, maybe we should call Jack and Sun."  Sayid said.  "I know you are upset with them but maybe it has been long enough?  And if we go back to LA soon, we will be seeing them again."

Sayid looked down and then back up to her again.  "What do you think?"

-- Edited by lisagwilkins at 06:06, 2008-09-10

"I'm a professional.  I used to lie for a livin'."  - Sawyer, Josh Holloway, LaFleur, LOST, Season 5

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