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The light on the dark side of me..

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Lost In LA (continuation of UK Role Play) Rated NC-17

I'm assuming it'll take everyone a couple of days to move over here, but i'm moving over now to get it started. People can continue to post over there if they need to catch up. I'm just being impatient biggrin

The Roles for this are as follows:

Lisagwilkins (Lisa) Jack, Sayid, Libby, John, Tom and Mintkowski (and assorted others)
Sawyerismine aka girlspy 15 (Jaci) Sawyer, Sun, Christian
Fricksgurl75 (Patti) Shannon, Boone, Ben
Katie Ford (Jas) Kate, Desmond, Alex, Charlie, Ana
Starlight ake honeypoppy (Lyndi) Claire, Juliet, Nikki, Carole

Roles may become available or roles can be created that we haven't used, just ask any of us biggrin

-- Edited by fricksgurl75 at 03:03, 2008-04-08


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

"I was here for a moment.. then I was gone.." Susie Salmon- The Lovely Bones

Dumbledore:"Lily? After all this time?" Snape: "Always.."  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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The light on the dark side of me..

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RE: Lost In LA (continuation of UK Role Play)

OOC: I'm just jumping over from where we are at the moment.. which is for Shannon at her house with Claire and Libby. Shan's not having a good day but her friends are there making her feel better.. And Boone is being dragged off somewhere by Alex again giggle.gif (just playin Jas wink) I'll do one for him in my next post... but on we go biggrin


"Oh everything's fine. He's been busy with the horses lately. The company that's setting up the tent sent a rep the other day to take measurements of the yard."
 "Sounds like quite the event.." she said as she cleaned up. "Gonna set up a corrall for the kids i'd imagine too."

Just then the door bell rang. "Whoops, I'll get it."

"Libby you don't have to." she said adadamtly, heading toward the door herself. "It's my house."

But Libby didn't listen and Shannon rolled her eyes like a daughter would at a mother, and decided she'd check on the girls. They were both still playing happily. She went back out and saw what was at her door.

Libby walked to the door and answered it. There was a precious arrangement of four pink roses in a vase. Libby smiled as she saw the address on the card's envelope.

The rose took her breath away. It was so perfect. And the yellow color was so clear and true, it almost hurt her eyes to look at it. "Claire honey, I think this is for you." Libby said.

"Damn girl.." Shannon said with a big smile as she saw what Des sent Claire. "The guy really loves you.."

Speaking of guys, she wondered how much longer hers was gonna be, she was feeling a bad itch to see him today. She was doing her best to keep up her spirits and that alcohol in the fridge looked mighty good, but as long as her friends were here she wasn't gonna touch it. 

"That's beautiful.." she gushed a little as Libby brought it over. "I thought guys only sent flowers when they did something wrong."

Most of the guys she knew before were idiots. She'd rarely gotten flowers from the guys she dated, they weren't that romantic. More the wham-bam types. Her husband was a different story.

"Like you said Libby, we have some great guys around here don't we?"


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

"I was here for a moment.. then I was gone.." Susie Salmon- The Lovely Bones

Dumbledore:"Lily? After all this time?" Snape: "Always.."  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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Charlie's Angel

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Posts: 1992


Oh everything's fine. He's been busy with the horses lately. The company that's setting up the tent sent a rep the other day to take measurements of the yard."
 "Sounds like quite the event.." she said as she cleaned up. "Gonna set up a corrall for the kids i'd imagine too."
"Oh that sounds great, Lib.  I can't wait.  It's going to be such a beautiful wedding.

Just then the door bell rang. "Whoops, I'll get it."

"Libby you don't have to." she said adadamtly, heading toward the door herself. "It's my house."

Shannon gave up as Libby approached the door and went to check on the girls.  Shannon giggled and followed behind Shannon, glad to see the girls cooing and enjoying each other's company.

The rose took her breath away. It was so perfect. And the yellow color was so clear and true, it almost hurt her eyes to look at it. "Claire honey, I think this is for you." Libby said.

"What?" Claire asked, turning around.  That's when she saw the most beautiful single yellow rose she had ever seen.  "Oh wow," she said, her jaw dropping as she took it from Libby.

"Damn girl.." Shannon said with a big smile as she saw what Des sent Claire. "The guy really loves you.."

"Yeah, he does," she said grinning from ear to ear.  Claire read the card that was with it.  Til tonight.  She was once again blown away by the loving, romantic touch that Des had.  He made her so happy, she loved him so much.

"That's beautiful.." she gushed a little as Libby brought it over. "I thought guys only sent flowers when they did something wrong."
"Des, definately isn't your average man," Claire said beaming with pride. 

"Like you said Libby, we have some great guys around here don't we?"

"You know it, Shan.  I think we are some of the luckiest ladies in the world."  Claire turned the rose in her hand.  "Definately lucky."  She couldn't wait to throw her arms around Des and thank him for the rose with a huge kiss and of course more later on.



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Starlight wrote:

"What?" Claire asked, turning around.  That's when she saw the most beautiful single yellow rose she had ever seen.  "Oh wow," she said, her jaw dropping as she took it from Libby.

"Gosh, Claire this is beautiful."  Libby said.

"Damn girl.." Shannon said with a big smile as she saw what Des sent Claire. "The guy really loves you.."

"He sure does."  Libby said.  "John hasn't sent me flowers in quite a while."

"Yeah, he does," she said grinning from ear to ear.  Claire read the card that was with it.  Til tonight.  She was once again blown away by the loving, romantic touch that Des had.  He made her so happy, she loved him so much.

Liby smiled big.  "Look closely Shan, that is one woman in love if I ever saw one.  Of course, we all have that look don't we?"

"Des, definately isn't your average man," Claire said beaming with pride.

"No he sure isn't."  Libby said.

"Like you said Libby, we have some great guys around here don't we?"

"We have the best, that's for sure."  Libby said.  She was starting miss John and realized it was probably time to start heading home.

"You know it, Shan.  I think we are some of the luckiest ladies in the world."  Claire turned the rose in her hand.  "Definately lucky."  She couldn't wait to throw her arms around Des and thank him for the rose with a huge kiss and of course more later on.

"We sure are Shan."  Libby said.

Just then the door opened and a familiar voice was heard.  "Shannon?"  Sayid called as he walked into the kitchen.    "Forgive my interuption ladies.  I will retire to my office.  I have some computer work to do."  Sayid bowed to them and went into his office and turned on his computer.

"Well ladies, that's my clue to head for home."  Libby got up and kissed them both and then kissed the kids.  "I'll see you all for Alex's party."

"I'm a professional.  I used to lie for a livin'."  - Sawyer, Josh Holloway, LaFleur, LOST, Season 5

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banner stolen by me!

The light on the dark side of me..

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LIbby "We have the best, that's for sure."  Libby said.  She was starting miss John and realized it was probably time to start heading home.
She smiled to herself, knowing her own she considered the best, the best she'd had that's for sure.

Claire "You know it, Shan.  I think we are some of the luckiest ladies in the world."  Claire turned the rose in her hand.  "Definately lucky."  She couldn't wait to throw her arms around Des and thank him for the rose with a huge kiss and of course more later on.
"I think someone here is ready to go home.." she said with a little wink. "Repay him for that nice guesture with one of your own."

"We sure are Shan."  Libby said.

"I know.."

Just then the door opened and a familiar voice was heard.  "Shannon?"  Sayid called as he walked into the kitchen.   
She perked up even more at the sound of his voice.

"In here with the girls."

"Forgive my interuption ladies.  I will retire to my office.  I have some computer work to do."  Sayid bowed to them and went into his office and turned on his computer.
She looked at him and had to fight the urge to run up to him and throw her arms around him. He had no idea how much she wanted to see him at this moment.

"Ok.." she said quietly, watching him go instead. "We won't be much longer."

"Well ladies, that's my clue to head for home."  Libby got up and kissed them both and then kissed the kids.  "I'll see you all for Alex's party."

"Alright see ya then Libby, thanks for being here.." she said sincerly. "it really helped.."

Libby left and she could see Claire was itching to go home too.

"Hey go home and attack that man of yours ok? I think he deserves it.." she said with a wink, hugging Claire warmly. "And thank you.. I'm glad you came.. You always make me feel better."

Shannon smiled at Claire as she gathered up the kids and made sure that she took some cookies home with her. Aaron was excited about that that's for damn sure. She helped her load up everything, knowing 2 kids made it harder and hugged her again.

"You'll have to come by again soon, this was fun.." she said and winked. "have fun with Des, I'd say take it easy on him but.. I know that would be pointless.."

She watched Claire go and went back in the house. Sarah was out in the playpen, napping. Lizzie had been too when Claire got her. She stroked her little back and leaned over and kissed her head and then went to Sayid's office where he was working on the computer. She stayed quiet for the moment. Thinking on everything. And then finally spoke.

"Their gone.." she said softly, coming in and sitting down. "Sarah's napping, she and Lizzie tuckered themselves out."

She wrapped her arms around herself as if she was cold and continued to watch him work. A thousand things going through her head. Like her fathers stuff and her heavy talk with Libby earlier. Didn't even know how to bring that subject up, but knew eventually she'd have to.

"I got my dress, and your suit for the party..they're in the closet.." she said as she sat there. "And I finally went through my fathers things, found a few things of note.. " she paused, taking a breath. "like some weird codes and a safety deposit box key.."

Shannon looked out his office window, biting her lip a little. Wishing she could just be normal and well-adjusted like some of her friends. She looked back at him, sitting at the computer.

"I drank most of my bottle of Bailey's today..and that's a pretty big bottle." she said suddenly, getting up to leave the office. "if it hadn't been for Claire and Libby you might have been picking me up off the floor when you got home."

She looked back at him, there was pain evident in her eyes.

"Today was not a good day for me.."


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

"I was here for a moment.. then I was gone.." Susie Salmon- The Lovely Bones

Dumbledore:"Lily? After all this time?" Snape: "Always.."  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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Charlie's Angel

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Posts: 1992


Just then the door opened and a familiar voice was heard.  "Shannon?"  Sayid called as he walked into the kitchen.    "Forgive my interuption ladies.  I will retire to my office.  I have some computer work to do."  Sayid bowed to them and went into his office and turned on his computer.

"Hello Sayid," Claire said smiling.

"Well ladies, that's my clue to head for home."  Libby got up and kissed them both and then kissed the kids.  "I'll see you all for Alex's party."
Claire hugged Libby.  "See you then, Lib.  I can't wait."  Watching Libby leave, Claire started cleaning Aaron up and getting ready to leave herself.

"Alright see ya then Libby, thanks for being here.." she said sincerly. "it really helped.."

Libby left and she could see Claire was itching to go home too.

"Hey go home and attack that man of yours ok? I think he deserves it.." she said with a wink, hugging Claire warmly. "And thank you.. I'm glad you came.. You always make me feel better."
Claire giggled.  "Sounds like a plan to me."  She hugged Shannon back.  "I'm glad I came too and I'm glad I could help.  Everybody needs a little help from their friends from time to time," she said smiling warmly.

Shannon helped her gather Aaron and Lizzie and their things together.  Aaron waved goodbye to Vincent and Claire smiled.  "Bye Vincent, thanks for keeping Aaron company.  Once both kids were strapped into the SUV, Claire turned to Shannon to say goodbye.

"You'll have to come by again soon, this was fun.." she said and winked. "have fun with Des, I'd say take it easy on him but.. I know that would be pointless.."
"It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again," Claire said, giving Shannon a big hug.  "Take care Shan.  And I'll take it easy on Des if you take it easy on Sayid," she said with a wink.  Claire climbed into the SUV with one last wave goodbye and headed toward home, smiling.  She couldn't wait to see Desmond. 

Claire pulled into the driveway and parked in the garage.  She got Lizzie and Aaron out of the SUV and handed Aaron his bag of cookies.  "Not until later, okay?"  Aaron walked beside her as she held Lizzie in one arm and the rose with her free hand. 

Once inside the door, Claire called out as she set Lizzie in her exersaucer.  "Des, we're home!"



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{ooc:funny girl. okay here we go...}


'Okay, now you have to try that one on, because if it fits, I can guarantee you are going to knock Sawyer dead."
She smiled fondly at Sun. She was right, that was true.

Sun winked back at Kate. And then she took another dress, it was the last one on the rack and she wasnt sure, but she thought just incase, shed try it on, and Sun remarked...
"I just have one more to try..."

"Go ahead."

Kate went in the dressing room next to Sun and started trying on the dress.

"So how did the fight start anyway?" Kate frowned, now remembering the fight.

'Over a stupid cowboy hat." Kate said as she zippered up the side.

"You know Kate, you know him better than anyone, but I remember a time or two back on the island when he grew uncomfortable when he was outside his element. Like when we were all pregnant, and you werent yet, he was terrified of Shannon especially, and he looked at me and Claire like we were aliens. But then you got your news, and he seemed to take it better then he had with us. And then when you found out you were having twins."
Kate smiled at the memory. Their lives back on the island were so different from now. She remembered Sawyers face when she found out she was having his baby...then to realize they would be twins..."His face was priceless," she said fondly.

Sun laughed lightly and she remarked...
"I dont think any camera in the world could have done his face justice."
Kate couldnt help but laugh at that.

"And now you have two beautiful babies." "We sure do." Kate said softly and smoothed down the dress, looking at herself in the mirror.

Sun concluded...
"Anyway, my point is, maybe this party, is something that is outside of Sawyers element, you know, hes just not used to it, so he has to take time to get used to the idea...But that doesnt mean he wont be there for you."

Kate sighed, "I know Sun. I just get so frustrated at times."

Sun finally got the side zipped up and she looked at herself in the mirror. This was it. Sun thought. As she came out of her dressing room, she asked Kate...
"Okay, what do you think about this one?"

Kate saw the beautiful gown and smiled as she walked out, "Oh Sun. That looks stunning."

Suns jaw dropped when she saw Kate come out in her gold dress as well and she remarked...
"Oh Kate!"

Kate smiled proudly, knowing she looked wonderful in the gold dress.

That dress was heart attack city for sure. She smiled and remarked...
"Okay I think your going to make Sawyer eat his words...Now that is what I call getting even."
Kate smirked.

Sun smirked back at Kate. Noting how gorgeaus her friend looked. She just hoped she would have the same luck with Jacks reaction.
"Sun, youre going to look so beautiful. Is it any wonder only good looking people made it on that plane," she laughed at that and turned to go take it off.

As they took off their dresses, Kate called out, "I wish we had a sitter. I need a drink."

Kate gently placed the dress on the hanger and pushed the stroller forward, meeting Sun, "Are you going with that one? I cant wait for the party. It should be really nice to be with friends and to think, Alex thought of babysitters."

Kate went and looked for shoes and a purse to match her dress. Knowing she had a beautiful bracelet at home and necklace Sawyer had given her.

The kids started getting cranky and Kate wanted to take care of them at the mall before they headed home. "Wanna go to the food court and feed the kids?"

Kate bought the dress, shoes and purse, feeling wonderful about herself. In the corner in the back of the store, behind the giant chiffon curtain, Arturo was making the associates go crazy looking for a certain pair of red shoes to go with the red glitter dress Kate pointed him to.

Kate smiled to herself and then at Sun and giggled as they walked to the food court.

It was empty at the mall, just how Kate liked it and they sat by a beautiful fountain. Kate took out the tiny baby jars of food and put bibs on both kids and got to work on feeding them.

She talked as she spoonfed the kids at the same time. "I love Sawyer so much. And I hate arguing with him. I just want to be happy with him again." She smiled at Sun, "I know we will."

They chatted up for about a half an hour until they were done.

"Im anxious to see Sawyer now, even though Im nervous about it." She cleaned the kids' faces. They sat back, full, content and ready to sleep for the night.



"Alright then m'lady, let your chauffer get to your latest appointment.."
Grabbing his car keys they were off yet again. To the caterers this time.
"The mileage i'm putting on the car for this stuff alone is amzing.." he joked as they drove to their destination. "Should get frequent flyer miles."

"Funny," Alex giggled. "Dont worry, this will all be over soon enough."

She touched his face softly, "Thanks for being here though."

Smiling softly at Boone, she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

They were with the caterer for about an hour and a half. Alex was very selective about the menu and high maintenance. She didnt mind being that way, she wanted everything to be asbolutely perfect.

They left and Alex jotted things down in her organizer, "I can be very persnickety when it comes to this event." She sighed softly and ran another million things to her list for Friday. Including looking for a dress.

"Lets just go home for now. I'll run around tomorrow and look for a dress." She smiled at him. "I would cook something tonight but...I dont feel like haaving the added stress." She let out a laugh. "Whatever you want, lets take it home." She yawned, "Im exhausted."



Nikki sighed as his fingers traced lightly over her skin, making it hard to think. "My first kiss, huh? Well, it was a long time ago," she said reminissing.
"You started kissing in pre-school?" He asked, teasing her.

"I was at a Middle School party. We were playing spin the bottle.
 "Classic game," he put in.

There were a few older guys there and I had a huge crush on one of them. I spun the bottle and held my breath. It stopped on Lee. I couldn't believe it, he was the one I had a huge crush on. We went in the closet and well, he taught me a thing or two," she said giggling.
He smirked, "Probably not as good as the things I can teach you," he said seductively.

"Now as to whether you are better or not...well....let's just see..."

He knew she was teasing him...making him wait like this. He made a mock frown and said in a warning tone, "Nikki..."

She leaned over and kissed him as her hand gently touched his face. His tongue slid against hers and she groaned softly into his mouth. Nikki pulled away and smiled softly at him. "I think you just got your answer," she said with a wink.
His eyes were still closed when she pulled away. He opened them and said, "Now that was a bloody brilliant answer."

"Ok, it's your turn now. Truth or Dare Charlie?"

"Well, I think you'll come to learn that I'll always take a dare." He grinned at her, "But to keep the game a little more interesting...I'll take truth." He continued his devilish grin, "Hit me with your best shot."

He knew she was probably anxious to get to a Dare. But he'd make her hot waiting. He grinned smugly.



He was just finishing off the bread when he heard the door slam and a familiar voice.
 "Des, we're home!"He smiled and walked towards them, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"Hey you lot!" He said to his kids and went to kiss his children.

He looked at his wife smugly and winked at her, 'And how was Shannons?" He looked so satisfied with what he'd done.

He turned his head to the side and looked at her carefully, "Enjoy yourself?"

He wrapped his arms around her and half lifted her, "I missed you." He held her close to his body.

-- Edited by Katie Ford at 16:31, 2008-04-07



Charlie's Angel

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Posts: 1992

OOC:  You  missed my Claire post.  It's right before yours.  She's home now.


"Well, I think you'll come to learn that I'll always take a dare." He grinned at her, "But to keep the game a little more interesting...I'll take truth." He continued his devilish grin, "Hit me with your best shot."
Nikki couldn't help but grin.  This was going to be an interesting night.  "Hmmm...let's see..."  Nikki wriggled on the bed a little as she thought.  She wanted it to look like she was thinking hard when in actuallity she was pulling the sheet down lower over her breasts and higher on her legs.  Once settled she looked at Charlie was a devilish spark in her eyes.

Her hand trailed lightly over the tops of her breasts as she spoke.  "Ok, keeping with the firsts theme, when was your first shag?"  Her hand left her breasts and trailed over his shoulder and down his arm.  "And am I better?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as her fingertips ran the rest of the way down his arm and came to rest on his hip, covered by the sheet.

-- Edited by Starlight at 15:57, 2008-04-07



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{Got it. *wink*}


This was going to be an interesting night.  "Hmmm...let's see..."  Nikki wriggled on the bed a little as she thought.  She wanted it to look like she was thinking hard when in actuallity she was pulling the sheet down lower over her breasts and higher on her legs.  Once settled she looked at Charlie was a devilish spark in her eyes.God she was a turn on. He touched her upper thigh and caressed it, he couldnt help but do so. He licked his lips and looked at her slowly.

Her hand trailed lightly over the tops of her breasts as she spoke. 
 He wanted to lick where she was touching.

"Ok, keeping with the firsts theme, when was your first shag?"
"My first shag?" He asked with amusement.

  Her hand left her breasts and trailed over his shoulder and down his arm.  "And am I better?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as her fingertips ran the rest of the way down his arm and came to rest on his hip, covered by the sheet.

"I dont remember my first shag...because it was probably awful." He looked at her and now traced the tops of her breasts. "Ive been with a handful of women in my life," he explained. "And they were all only for my pleasure, no real attachment really."

He scooted closer to her and said, "I could never forget you," his hand continued to trace her, "So theres your answer," he couldnt resist and leaned down to kiss the top of her was just buldging so wonderfully. He looked up and said, "Now pick dare."



The light on the dark side of me..

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Posts: 3128

ooc: glad you found that amusing.. :gigglie:


"Funny," Alex giggled. "Dont worry, this will all be over soon enough."He laughed.

She touched his face softly, "Thanks for being here though."
"Of course..why wouldn't I be here for you?"

Smiling softly at Boone, she leaned over and kissed his cheek.For some reason he loved when she did that. It was so cute.

They were with the caterer for about an hour and a half. Alex was very selective about the menu and high maintenance. She didnt mind being that way, she wanted everything to be asbolutely perfect.

They left and Alex jotted things down in her organizer, "I can be very persnickety when it comes to this event." She sighed softly and ran another million things to her list for Friday. Including looking for a dress.
"Persnickety?" he asked, having not heard that term in a long time. "that's a hell of a way of saying it."

"Lets just go home for now. I'll run around tomorrow and look for a dress." She smiled at him. "I would cook something tonight but...I dont feel like haaving the added stress." She let out a laugh. "Whatever you want, lets take it home." She yawned, "Im exhausted."

"Ok then..hmm lets see.." he said as the drove home. "Some fried chicken sounds good to me, not much effort required in that.."

They hit the chicken place, got a bucket and some other stuff and headed home to crash. Alex was clearly tired so they sat on the couch and turned the tv on.

"You can feel free to fall asleep or whatever.." he said, giving her a kiss on the head as they watched some dumb movie on tv. "You've earned it today beautiful.." He put his arm around her. "never seen anyone as meticulous as you..and looking so perfect doing it.."


"I believe some people make indelible mark on your soul.. an imprint that can't be removed." Broyles -Fringe

"I was here for a moment.. then I was gone.." Susie Salmon- The Lovely Bones

Dumbledore:"Lily? After all this time?" Snape: "Always.."  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

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